Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching is a one-on-one process that develops the client’s skill at handling conflict, or supports the client in working through a particularly difficult or complex conflict. The Mediation Group’s clients may focus on any one of three levels:

  • Improving a significant relationship that is damaged by ongoing conflict;

  • Building skills at constructively resolving conflict;

  • Strategically managing organizational change.

Often, the most intractable conflicts stem from patterns in our thinking and behavior. By working with one of our coaches, clients identify unhelpful conflict patterns — in themselves or their organizations — and begin building constructive, problem-solving approaches. 

Anyone who feels stuck in a conflict can benefit from working with one of our coaches. Some goals that our coaching clients have had include:

  • To build interpersonal and organizational competence at engaging in conflict;

  • To manage or lead an organizational change initiative that is expected to be contentious or challenging;

  • To develop the interpersonal and conflict competencies required to excel at the next level in one’s career;

  • To increase one’s capacity to effectively manage a diverse body of direct reports;

  • To turn contentious issues into drivers of creativity and growth for a team or organization.

Our organizational consultants sometimes use coaching as part of a more comprehensive initiative. The roots of organizational conflict can rest in how the organization is structured, the processes used to organize the work, or the skills of its members. The ability of an organization’s senior leaders to manage conflict constructively, provide effective feedback, work across business units, lead and manage change, listen, and enable creative and collaborative teams has a large impact on success. Aligning structures and improving processes also requires individuals to make it all work. Learn more about our organization practice.

Working with Our Coaches

When working with a coach, the client sets the goals and agenda. The coach does not tell the client what to do, and all conversations are confidential. In many of our coaching relationships, our coaches assist clients with a current conflict. The focus is often on diagnosing what is fueling the conflict, understanding multiple perspectives, and planning for constructive engagement. Many clients also find it helpful to work with one of our coaches to gain additional skills

A coaching contract can be for as short as one session, an ongoing relationship, or a series of meetings targeting a specific event in the client’s life. Coaching sessions can take place in person either at our Brookline offices or the client’s office, over the phone, or virtually via Zoom.

Our Experts Specializing in Conflict Coaching