Mediator Skills
Mediators have a unique combination of attributes and techniques influenced by multiple disciplines that make them effective. In this post you will find a general overview of the major skills used by successful mediators.
Mediator Skills
Mediators have a unique combination of attributes and techniques influenced by multiple disciplines that make them effective. In this post you will find a general overview of the major skills used by successful mediators.
Understanding Bias
"Bias is an interesting force. You can't expect to live life without bias, but you can live life self-aware or self-aware of the risk..." Words of astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, discussing the use of science to overcome bias. Continue reading to learn more about implicit and explicit bias.
Think Before You Meet
Take a moment to remember the last time you went to a really good meeting. What was good about it? If you are like most people, the following words probably popped into your mind: