Webinar with David Matz about Conflict in Healthcare
Join David Matz for a webinar hosted by ZurickDavis on Sep 20, 2017 - 1:00-1:30PM ET
"Learn from Leaders: Identifying, Managing and Resolving Conflict"
Symptoms such as high turnover or medical errors can be caused by an underlying problem of conflict within your organization or department. How can you recognize conflict as a problem and what can you do about it? Join us for this Webinar with Dr. David Matz, an expert in conflict resolution. He has been a partner in The Mediation Group for 33 years and was the founder and former director of Graduate Programs in Conflict Resolution at UMass/Boston.
There is no registration fee but pre-registration is required at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5785939532246193153. The Webinar is a non-commercial presentation sponsored by ZurickDavis